May 11, 2014


The word "derailed" fits with the "back on track" from my last post about Project 52, but it also resonates with life in general. I find that sometimes I move forward at a consistent pace, not too fast & not too slow, but headed in the right direction, I get where I'm going. Then out of the blue, I'm derailed - or at the least side-tracked - and my journey is interrupted for both the good and the bad.

Since Easter, I did a bit of weekend traveling (good); helped a hospitalized friend (bad) and threw a party at the house (good), where I took NO photos - if you can believe that (bad). Add hubby doctor appointments & a back that didn't consistently cooperate with me into the mix and the result is not many new photos taken; certainly not one a week! But when I organized them, I hadn't done as badly as I thought I did :)

Perhaps this should be named Project 52 - unless life gets in the way!

Whatever I call it, I will continue to work toward taking photos once a week, improving my photography, and staying on the tracks!

Happy viewing!